Hi Friends!
Well, it's been awhile since our last update, but that's because moving into a new house in a new town with new jobs and new EVERYTHING takes up time!! We are really enjoying NWA, and all there is to do here. We had a wonderful housewarming party a few weeks ago, with 40 visitors! All of Pippi's daycare teachers came, some of my family, folks from each of our jobs, and church friends and neighbors. It was really fun.
Jason is thoroughly loving working at Trike Youth Theatre. It keeps him very busy, but in his free time he is performing quite a bit, too. Just this weekend his kids from Trike performed at a children's event at the local library, then Jason performed with his improv team 3 times down on Dickson street. His kids did their version of "Where the Wild Things Are"...it was really great! Pippi and I went down for the day and participated in lots of the events at the library. All the activities were based around different children's books. Pippi got to help build a house of straw, sticks, and bricks like the 3 little pigs, build a story board about "The sun, the moon, and the silver baboon", and of course watch Jason's team and their play. She did not like that Jason was up in front of everyone talking and introducing his kids, and she ended up in his arms with him as he spoke!
Jason is also involved in a company called "Ceramic Cow Productions" and will be doing a Halloween show in which he is the romantic lead character. He has 5 performances at the end of the month. Also, he volunteers with the first ever Fayetteville Film Festival, which takes up quite a bit of his time. The festival is in the first week of November. Needless to say, between all of this, Pippi and I see Jason very little at the moment!
After work each day, though, Pippi love to take neighborhood bikerides or walks. We love the playground just a few houses down. We have now met 8 of our neighbors, mostly young families like us, who also play outside a lot. Pippi is currently obsessed with pumpkins, and just tonight I took her to a lovely pumpkin patch to pick her own for the front porch. She got a wagon ride around the patch, and must have said "pumpkin" about 50 times as she pointed to them all. It was super cute.
I am still working at the hospital, but not sure it's really for me. I am looking around for a different job now, so prayers would be appreciated! I love my coworkers, though, and we have a good time together. I have started volunteering at church with Keypoint Kids, the 0-5 year old classes during the services. I have met a lot of the other volunteers and mothers at church through this, and it's nice to be serving again. Jason and I are planning to join a Life Group called "30 Rock" with others our age starting in November, and look forward to that.
Pippi has just been moved to the 2-year-old class at daycare, even though she is 4 months away from 2. They got 2 new 1-year-olds and needed to bump someone up to the next class, and Pippi was the most ready. She loves her new class and teacher and made the adjustment very well. The funny thing is, her vocabulary has increased sooo much in her first week! The older kids talk so much more, and she is picking it all up so quickly. She is even learning her letters, and pointed out an "E" on my t-shirt last week!
So that is most of what is going on with us. We hope to have some of you visiting us whenever you can! Now that we have a spare room, we want to fill it up with friends! Be sure and check out our blogsite for some photos of us, and don't forget to update us on your lives, too!
Sending all our love to each of you, and thanking you for your thoughts and prayers. They are what helped us make it through this transition back "home".
In Christ,
Jason, Sarah, and Pippi